Tag Archives: summer

Small Space Organizing


Do small spaces seem to be a problem to organize? It’s always a bit of a challenge for me…because I am convinced there won’t be enough room to store all my stuff. So it is with our master bedroom closet! And actually, it’s a nice size walk-in closet measuring 12×8 feet. My husband and I […]

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The Coziest Outdoor Chair


Hi there my friends! Since our STAY at HOME time has been extended for a few more weeks…we have spent our time making the patio a place to relax and enjoy family time! Take a look at our latest addition to this outdoor space! It’s the coziest outdoor chair! Let me share all the details […]

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Three Must-Haves for Creating a Cozy Home


Hey there friends! I’m excited to share my three favorite decor MUST-HAVES for creating a cozy home… featuring Better Homes & Gardens Products from Walmart! I’ve been keeping a little secret the past few weeks! I’m honored to be a part of the BHG Live Better Influencer Network! I love to represent a brand that […]

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Rooted In Goodness with Mrs. Meyers


Did you hear? Mrs. Meyers Clean Day is touring the country on their ROOTED IN GOODNESS Spring Tour!   One of their stops was the Art in the Park Festival in Columbia, Missouri last weekend…and I had the pleasure of hosting a Distressed Potted Herb Workshop! The Stephens Lake Park was the perfect spot to […]

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Aidan Gray Chandelier


Oh my heavens…do I have a treat for you! This gorgeous French Chandelier from Aidan Gray is our latest addition to the dining room. As a brand ambassador, I’m honored to join Aidan Gray in GIVING one of you a chandelier just like this one! #aidangrayhome #aidangray #agh_brandambassador #grayliving Valued over $1800, this is the […]

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Rustic Peach Galette


There’s this quaint little neighborhood farmer’s market about 15 minutes from our house…and we found fresh zucchini, tomatoes, and a summer favorite, PEACHES! I’ve always wanted to try a peach galette, so I looked through a few recipes on Pinterest HERE. I made an adjustment to the recipe and used this recipe for a buttery pie crust […]

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Colors of Summer


Welcome to the Colors of Summer Blog Tour, hosted by Jennifer at Town & Country Living…where many of my  talented blogger friends joined to share our favorite colors for summer decor. The colors of summer are so vibrant, so pretty and bold. While I do love a beautiful pop of color, today I chose white […]

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Sofa Slipcovers


  Did you jump on the IKEA Ektorp white sofa bandwagon years ago? I sure did! It was the least expensive way to furnish our family room with enough seating for a family of five. Plus, the white slipcovers can be removed and washed…except they don’t tell you the process is like wrestling a baby […]

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