- On Oct, 22, 2018
- BeckyC
Those first few days of cool weather around here, and guess what happens in the kitchen? Yes, you guessed it! Time for a big pot of potato soup! I’ve made a few different varieties of potato soup before, but this one turned out to be a favorite! The perfect amount of creamy goodness, with tons […]
Post Tagged with : cooking, fall, favorites, homemade, inspiration, kitchen, pumpkins, recipe, recipes
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- On Jul, 06, 2018
- BeckyC
There’s this quaint little neighborhood farmer’s market about 15 minutes from our house…and we found fresh zucchini, tomatoes, and a summer favorite, PEACHES! I’ve always wanted to try a peach galette, so I looked through a few recipes on Pinterest HERE. I made an adjustment to the recipe and used this recipe for a buttery pie crust […]
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