Tag Archives: inspiration

Herbs & Photography


  Two of my favorite things in the world are fresh herbs and taking photos šŸ™‚ But you probably knew that alreadyā€¦with all the herb photos I share this time of year.   Iā€™ve learned a lot about growing herbs by reading and researching which ones grow best here in north Louisianaā€¦but Iā€™ve learned the […]

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Repurpose Design Series Reveal Day


   Todayā€™s the day! Itā€™s Reveal Day for our first Repurpose Design Series! If youā€™re new here to Buckets of Burlapā€¦Welcome! Iā€™m honored that you are visiting my blog šŸ™‚ The challenge was to add #salvageswagger to our homes by finding a used item to repurpose for $20 or less. And without further delayā€¦ my […]

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Growing Foxgloves


Last spring I planted two foxglove plants. After adoring them in photos on Pinterest, I really wanted to try to grow some in our garden. They are one of the prettiest cut-flowers. Well, good news is, they grewā€¦and grew šŸ™‚ Of course, I had to clip a few stalks to bring inside to enjoy.  I […]

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A Walk Through Our Flower Garden


In the late afternoon as the sun begins to sink below the treelineā€¦this is where youā€™ll find me. I love to spend time each evening walking through the garden. Here is a bridal wreath bush. Itā€™s taller than I am now. We donā€™t have any veggies planted yet. Tomatoes, peppersā€¦weā€™ll plant those real soon, I […]

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Goblet Centerpieces


I believe in having fresh flowers on our table insideā€¦itā€™s one of my favorite decorating tips. Candles and fresh flowers. When I grow up, I want to be a florist šŸ˜‰ I love cutting all types of blooms and arranging them just so for little centerpieces. I thought three little goblets would look pretty full […]

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An Herb Wreath & Watermelon Salad


The herbs are all blooming in the garden! I wanted to make an herb wreath this springā€¦using fresh herbs. Iā€™ve had a few favorite herb wreaths pinned to my Garden Pinterest Board for a whileā€¦and finally had a chance to make one while Amy from Tennessee was here šŸ™‚ So, we gathered these herbs: sage, […]

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Be Still and Know


Have you ever really thought about that verse? ā€œBe still, and know that I am God.ā€ Psalm 46:10  To be stillā€¦thatā€™s not very easy for me. Iā€™m usually one to stay busy, getting things done, multi-tasking. Projects, work, kids, homeā€¦   Although, this past winter has been different. Iā€™ve had the painful ā€œfrozen shoulderā€ and […]

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