- On May, 18, 2015
- BeckyC
Before I plant this hydrangea, I wanted to enjoy it inside for a few days. Aren’t hydrangeas the prettiest flower? My favorite color is purple. Or, maybe it’s white. Well, I guess I like hydrangeas in every color. Have I ever shown you this view from our kitchen? It’s looking into the dining room. You […]
- On May, 04, 2015
- BeckyC
Two of my favorite things in the world are fresh herbs and taking photos 🙂 But you probably knew that already…with all the herb photos I share this time of year. I’ve learned a lot about growing herbs by reading and researching which ones grow best here in north Louisiana…but I’ve learned the […]
- On Apr, 30, 2015
- BeckyC
Today’s the day! It’s Reveal Day for our first Repurpose Design Series! If you’re new here to Buckets of Burlap…Welcome! I’m honored that you are visiting my blog 🙂 The challenge was to add #salvageswagger to our homes by finding a used item to repurpose for $20 or less. And without further delay… my […]
- On Apr, 20, 2015
- BeckyC
I believe in having fresh flowers on our table inside…it’s one of my favorite decorating tips. Candles and fresh flowers. When I grow up, I want to be a florist 😉 I love cutting all types of blooms and arranging them just so for little centerpieces. I thought three little goblets would look pretty full […]
- On Apr, 15, 2015
- BeckyC
The herbs are all blooming in the garden! I wanted to make an herb wreath this spring…using fresh herbs. I’ve had a few favorite herb wreaths pinned to my Garden Pinterest Board for a while…and finally had a chance to make one while Amy from Tennessee was here 🙂 So, we gathered these herbs: sage, […]
- On Apr, 07, 2015
- BeckyC
Remember last November, when we had our Barn Sale? Well, I got this fabulous cubby shelf from the sweet ladies at Junkin on Main…painted it white and it’s one of my favorite pieces 🙂 And remember in this post, when I said a Pinterest photo prompted me to rearrange furniture? Well…this is what I […]
- On Apr, 02, 2015
- BeckyC
April…you are welcome here 😉 Truly one of my favorite months…April brings some of the best days of the year, don’t you think? Spring fever has set in around here, and we find ourselves quickly getting through our school work to move onto outdoor activities. Gardening, baseball, cleaning out the chicken coop are a […]
Continue Reading...- On Mar, 30, 2015
- BeckyC
I know you do this…find a gorgeous photo on Pinterest, and then you find yourself re-arranging the furniture in your whole house, just to create “that look” 😉 Well, yes, sometimes I do that too. So…my sweet kids helped me move a few larger pieces around from the dining room to the family room. […]