- On Jan, 06, 2011
- BeckyC
Hey my friends! I hope your week is great so far! It’s hard to get back into the swing of things after the Holidays, isn’t it? Remember last month, when I won two giveaways, HERE ? Well, here is the third! Heidi from Dreams Intertwined had a 300 post giveaway. The prize was a $50.00 […]
- On Dec, 18, 2010
- BeckyC
Hey my friends! I would like to say THANK YOU, from the bottom of my heart, for your sweet words of encouragement on my last post. God has given me precious family and friends (YOU), who have helped me through this year without my mom. I’m so excited to share some good news! Right here […]
- On Nov, 22, 2010
- BeckyC
Hey my friends! It’s November 21st already! Time to find out the winner of this sweet Farmhouse Wares enamel pitcher. Let me just say, if I could send one to each of you, I would. I appreciate your comments and visits more than you know 🙂 Thanks for entering my first giveaway! (chosen by drawing) […]
- On Nov, 12, 2010
- BeckyC
**Please Note, this giveaway is now closed. Thanks for checking in. I will announce a winner, Sunday November 21** Hey my friends! When I started this little blog, back in June, I had NO idea what I was getting into. What I thought would just be a creative outlet, turned into so much more! You’ve […]