French Jelly Jars
- On Jun, 07, 2012
- BeckyC
- Becky's Blog
Hey my friends, how’s your summer going? Ours is busy, way too busy…but that’s what summer’s about, right? I had to show you another gorgeous antique treasure from my sponsor, Simply French Vintage. This is a fabulous French Jelly Jar made of a heavy thick glass which were once used for preserving jams and jellies. I’m sharing some possible ways to use the jelly jar around your home…you may want to add one of these to your vintage collection. Of course, a candle adds a romantic glow for a dinner or on your kitchen counter. And it serves as a perfect vase for roses, or herbs from the garden. I also used it to hold a collection of tea lights. And wouldn’t it be perfect for serving homemade jelly at the breakfast table? Whatever the purpose, the French Jelly Jar certainly is a lovely addition to a kitchen 🙂 Take a look at all the wonderful French Vintage Finds at Simply French Vintage! Thanks David & Jane, for my newly loved treasure!
Kitchen reveal, coming soon…promise 🙂 Blessings
oh dear me – I'm in love. with french jelly jars! Your uses and vignettes are simply lovely! xo
Beautiful!! Greetings from Finland:)
This piece is so pretty and I love the versatility of it!!
cute, love all the things you can do with it!
Love your beautiful jar and really love that you show us the different ways it can be used.
Love ya. Happy upcoming weekend to you, sister.
I use my French jelly jars to hold all my makeup brushes and pencils etc.
Waaaaay too cute, Becky! There's just something so special about that thick, old glass! 🙂 Beautiful vignettes!
xoxo laurie
Simple and classic…always works!! Glad you enjoying your summer….x0x0x
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