Home » Becky's Blog » Fall Goodness

Fall Goodness

Another beautiful Fall day!
What is it about Autumn that just makes you come alive inside?
The freshness of the air and that streaming sunlight 
breaking through crisp leaves blowing in the wind.
Does it make you want to cook soups and bake like crazy?
Well, Fall does this to me!
Over at My Sweet Savannah, I found Melaine’s recipe for 
Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Muffins.
Oh. My. Goodness.
My kids loved them, and I won’t tell you how many I ate.
A perfect finish to a big pot of chili.
I can’t wait to show you our new baby chicks!
They arrived this morning…
Have a fabulous Friday!
Joining Show and Tell Friday
Favorite Things Friday

Becky C

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6 Responsesso far.

  1. ~**~Looks yummy!!;) Love your tin pedestal..it is adorable!!~*~*Hugs, Rachel~*~*

  2. Bella says:

    Hi Becky… Mmmm they look delicious, I shouldn't but I am going to have to go see the recipe:-)) I go cooking crazy in the fall too :-)) Your photos are gorgeous!
    Thanks so much for your super sweet comment tonight!

  3. d. reyné says:

    These look amazing!
    I am sitting here wishing I had one…or two!
    Have a blessed weekend

  4. KayC. says:

    I,too, love your pedestal. Did you make or buy it? If you made it have or will you share how you did it? I would love to have one to put my pumpkin chocolate chip goodies on! Iam now a follower and will be checking in to see what other goodies you have to share.

  5. Yummy! And love that galvanized pedestal. The photos are so lovely too. And then you said…
    and my attention was diverted 🙂 Can't wait to hear all about 'em! -Tammy

  6. Hi Becky ~ baby chicks…how cute!! Your photos are so wonderful, I always love to visit!!